Christian Services

Christian Component

A clear distinctive of PCA is our Christian component. In addition to required Bible class every year, the Alberta curriculum is taught from a Christ-centered perspective with teachers integrating their Christian faith into every aspect of the course content. As well, all students attend weekly chapels, complete Christian service hours (JH/HS), and have the opportunity to be involved in missions team in Alberta, the Yukon or Colombia.

Weekly Chapel

PCA elementary school meets for chapel every Tuesday morning. PCA secondary school meets for chapel every Thursday morning. Chapels include a time of music/worship followed by a guest speaker.
If you are interested in knowing more about the PCA chapel ministry or serving as a guest speaker, please contact the Christian Education Co-ordinator.

Missions teams

PCA is committed to sharing, through word and deed, the Good News of Jesus Christ through missions teams.

Blue Bronna In Junior High, students may apply to participate in the annual missions trip (May) to Blue Bronna Wilderness Camp in southern Alberta where they assist in getting the camp ready for the summer.

Yukon As students enter high school, they are eligible to apply for the Yukon Missions team, open for students in grades 10-11 Those who participate are given an opportunity to serve fellow Canadians and gain an appreciation for the diversity of God's creation and His people. This team serves in children and youth ministry through music, drama and sports activities.

Colombia Every February, a team of 10-12 grade 12 students travel to Bogota, Colombia for ten days. During this time the PCA Colombia team is involved in ministries such as teaching English to inner city school children, playing with children in orphanages and poverty-stricken areas, leading Sunday School, youth and children's programs, as well as distributing school supplies and clothing to those in need. To read specific reflections from the PCA Colombia blog, click here

Each of the missions teams is working towards helping students fulfill the mission of PCA that would see each of them committed to "knowing Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and to pursuing godly character and lifelong service." Each PCA missions team is led by at least one male and one female teacher/staff member. The prayer and financial support for these teams comes as each team participates in various fundraisers as well as each student connecting with their family, friends and church.

For more information on the PCA missions teams, contact the school office at 403.443.4220